" Internationale " Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 547, shown are songs from 401 to 450. March of PLA - Chinese
March of Peoples Liberation Army of Mao Tsedong by military orchestra
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14110
March of the National Defence - Korean
Cheerful march of the Korean People's Army
Music: KNDR 2001.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 13682
March of XI brigade - German
March of the XI Int.Brigade that was fighting in Spain in 1936-2938.
Music: G. M. Schneerson Lyrics: Ernst Busch 1938. Singer: Ernst Bush Performed in 1938г.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 13849
Marcha de los pobladores (Marsh zemlepashtsev)
Music: Viktor Khara Singer: Khor chiliyskoy molodezhi s uchast
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15897
Marcha dos pescadoros
Singer: Dorival Caymmi
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18461
Marco's Hall
"En la lejanía de la selva // Se avista un caballo claro"
Music: Panteon Rococo Lyrics: Panteon Rococo 1999. Singer: Panteon Rococo Performed in 1999г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15987
Marsch der Kampfgruppen
Music: Willi Kaufman Lyrics: Max Zimmering 1973. Singer: ork. MVD GDR+Chor d.Berl.Rundfunks
Comments: 4 Downloads: 17815
Marsh 3-y makedonskoy brigadi
Music: Shopov Lyrics: Pesev 1944.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12718
Marsz Gwardii Ludowej (My ze spalonych wsi) - polskiy
Music: Wanda Zieleńczyk Lyrics: Wanda Zieleńczyk 1943. Singer: Czerwone Gitary
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17772
Marsz pierwszego korpusu - polskiy
Music: Aleksander Burchacz Lyrics: Adam Ważyk 1943. Singer: Orkiestra Polskiego Radia
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16252
Masch dre nationalen volksarmee die DDR
Music: Kurt Grayner-Pol Lyrics: Ervin Burkert 1958. Singer: Khor Performed in 1958г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17601
May There Always Be Sunshine (Pust vsegda budet solntse)
"May there always be me!"
Music: Arkadiy Ostrovskiy Lyrics: Lev Oshanin / T.Botting (T. Botting) 1962. Singer: Tamara Miansarova, Iosif Kobzon, Misha Botov, khor TsDDZh Performed in 1962г.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23978
Me ty bashkyo gjithmonyo te rinj (Molodezh vsegda s toboy)
Music: Apostol Simoni Lyrics: E. Lame 1983. Singer: Liljana Kondakci Performed in 1983г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16528
Meinst du die Russen wollen Krieg
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: E. Evtushenko 1962.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 25047
Mi - prodolzhateli dela kommunizma - Kitayskiy
Music: Tszi Min (Ji ming) Lyrics: Chzhou Yuykhuey (Zhou Yuhui) 1962. Singer: Pioneskiy khor Kitaya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14339
Mi rabochie silnie - Kitayskiy
Music: Ma Ke (Ma Ke) Lyrics: Ma Ke (Ma Ke) 1947. Singer: Khor Kitayskogo Radio
Comments: 4 Downloads: 12242
Millioni ruk (Miliony rąk)
Music: E. Olearchik Lyrics: K. Grushinski 1950. Singer: Khor i orkestr Polskogo radio
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15876
Miloe Imya
Singer: Elektronniy ansabl Pochkhonbo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12881
Moldavskaya kolkhoznaya zastolnaya
Music: Sh. Aranov Lyrics: L. Kornyanu 1950. Singer: V. Kokots. Orkestr ans. nar. tantsa Moldavskoy SSR p/u Sh. Aranova. Performed in 1950г.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 13399
Muchacha del Frente Sandinista
Singer: Karlos Godoy
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15422
Muzika gimna GDR
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17705
My love - Hebrew
"...when i left home for war..."
Soldier sings about his love that is waiting him at home
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1942. Singer: Sh. Reznik
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13675
Naglo puške smo zgrabili
Music: V.Aturov Singer: Hor Slovenske Filarmonije
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16123
Nash tost
"Tost nash za Rodinu, tost nash za Partiyu, tost nash za znamya pobed!"
Music: I. Lyuban 1942. Singer: Pochkhonbo, KNDR
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17687
Nasza partia – Nasha partiya – Polskiy
Music: E. Olearchik Lyrics: G. Gavorski
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16177
Nkosi Sikelela iAfrika - Africaanas
South African song that was the main labour, protest and anti-apartheid song, it was banned in S.Africa
Comments: 7 Downloads: 16542
No Motherland without you - Korea
Song about Dear Leader comrade Kim Jong Il
1993. Singer: KNDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20987
No pasarán
"Los moros que trajo Franco en Madrid quieren entrar..."
Singer: Rolando Alarcón Performed in 1969г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16540
No pasaran! - Spanish
Latinoamerican song that has a cult name
Music: Carlos Mejia Godoy Lyrics: Carlos Mejia Godoy
Comments: 5 Downloads: 17114
Nuestra bandera - Spanish
Испанская революционная маршевая песня
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17563
October 1917 - German
German song about Great October Revolution in Russia in 1917 (Lenin came to power)
Music: Rolf Kuhl Lyrics: Peter Hacks 1967. Singer: Oktoberklub
Comments: 6 Downloads: 20152
Oka - Oka - Polskiy
Music: Stefan Turski Lyrics: Leon Pasterniak 1943. Singer: Orkiestra Polskiego Radia
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19250
One against a hundred - Korean
Korean soldier is ready to fight bloody american aggressors even one against a hundred
2003. Singer: KNDR
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14938
Padaj silo i nepravdo (Padite, nasilie i nepravda)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16287
Partidul, Ceausescu, Romania
1970. Singer: khor
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17931
Partisan song - Chinese
Chinese song about guerilla warfare, chorus
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14855
Partizanskym chodnikom\Partizansikm nevazhno koroche
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15908
Peasants' ballade - Korean
A folklore patriotic song
Music: KNDR 2001.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12811
Pervomay\Unu Mai
Singer: khor Madrigal Dirizhyor: Mariya Rantes, Kompozitor: Kiprian Porumbesku
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16666
Pesma Rade
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15529
Pesnya mira
Music: Dmitriy Shostakovich. Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy (nem. tekst Kuba) 1949. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1973г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20424
Pesnya o Lumumbe
Music: Dm. Pokrass Lyrics: M. Vershinin 1961. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek, khor Performed in 1961г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14771
Pesnya o sovetsko-kitayskoy druzhbe
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Mikhail Vershinin 1951. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek
Comments: 12 Downloads: 14825
Pesnya o Tito
1944. Singer: Lyublyanskiy armeyskiy ansambl. Performed in 1978г.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 12211
Pesnya o vetnamskom druge
Music: V Muradeli Lyrics: E Iodkovskiy Singer: Khor Kaliningrada kh. r. Chmirev
Comments: 6 Downloads: 14965
Pesnya o vstrechnom - Nemetskiy (Der Zukunft entgegen/Entgegen dem kühlenden Morgen)
Music: D. Shostakovich Lyrics: B. Kornilov 1936. Singer: Jugendchor Berlin, Ltg. Rolf L Performed in 1976г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17583
Pesnya ob Envere Khodzhe
Comments: 5 Downloads: 13243
Pesnya pro Stalina
1973. Singer: Knutna nävar
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16667
Pesnya Varshavskogo getto
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass 1942. Singer: Pol Robson
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13312
Pesnya voinskogo bratstva (?) (nem Lied der Waffenbrüderschaft) - Nemetskiy i Russkiy
Music: B.Aleksandrov,ar.K.Greiner-Pol Lyrics: S. Benke, per. Siegfried Berth 1985. Singer: EWE, Ltg. Siegfried Enders
Comments: 12 Downloads: 18054
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