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" Internationale "
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 547, shown are songs from 501 to 547.


TextCommentsDownload  Spi, moy bebi
"Ot etoy ruchki slaboy umrut, bit mozhet, lozh i zlo..."
Music: Dzh. Klutzam Lyrics: A. Bezimenskiy Singer: M. Aleksandrovich
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13779

TextCommentsDownload  St Armata / Στ’ άρματα
Music: Astrapopyannos Lyrics: Mariya Mavroydi Papadaki 1943. Singer: T Mikrutsikos Performed in 1974г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15229

TextCommentsDownload  Stima noastra mindria, Ceausescu Romania
1970. Singer: khor
Comments: 5 Downloads: 14947

TextCommentsDownload  Suliko
Music: gruzinskaya narodnaya Lyrics: gruzinskaya narodnaya Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 4 Downloads: 14325

TextCommentsDownload  Svobodniy Kitay
Music: K. Korchmarev Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1951. Singer: Nina Postavnicheva Performed in 1951г.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 16698

TextCommentsDownload  Textile workers' song - Chinese
One more melodic chinese song
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13609

TextCommentsDownload  Three tankists - Hebrew
"...and samurais were repulsed by armour and fire..."
Soviet military song translated to Hebrew by Shaul Reznik
1938. Singer: Sh. Reznik
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16993

TextCommentsDownload  Thunder from mountain heights - Korean
Traditionally cheerful and optimistic korean revolutionary song, sounds like soviet 70-s.
Music: KNDR 2001.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16921

TextCommentsDownload  Tien quan ca - Gimn Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki Vetnam
Music: Nguen Van Kao (Nguen Van Cao) Lyrics: Nguen Van Kao (Nguen Van Cao) 1945.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 16011

TextCommentsDownload  To the storm - Slovene
The song of the jugoslavian partisans of the WWII
Music: Karol Pahor Lyrics: Tone Seliškar 1943.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 12228

TextCommentsDownload  Torzhestvennaya klyatva nemetskikh pionerov GDR
Performed in 1973г.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 12563

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po Rodine (Sehnsuscht nach der Heimat) na nemetskom yazike
Music: D. Shostakovich Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1946. Singer: Ernst Bush Performed in 1967г.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17155

TextCommentsDownload  Tovariš Tito
Music: Nazor Lyrics: Gobec Singer: Hor mladeže RTV Ljubljana
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15438

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish Kuba
"...tot, kto svobodu videl khot chas, zhizn za neyo otdast..."
Music: A.Ostrovskiy Lyrics: L.Oshanin Singer: Iosif Kobzon i Viktor.Kokhno
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14248

TextCommentsDownload  Traiasca Ceausescu, Partidul
1970. Singer: khor.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15962

TextCommentsDownload  Trei Culori - Gimn Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki Ruminiya - vokalnaya versiya
Music: Kiprian Porumbesku 1977. Performed in 1984г.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16625

TextCommentsDownload  Tschapajews Tod
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: Z. Aleksandrova, per E.Vaynert 1938. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17701

TextCommentsDownload  Vetnam Kho-Shi-Min
1982. Singer: Vetnamskaya pevitsa i VIA Golubie gitari Performed in 1982г.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14637

TextCommentsDownload  Vientos del pueblo-Vetri naroda - ispanskiy
"Opyat khotyat zapachkat moya zemlya s krovyu rabochikh,te,kotorie govoryat o svobodu, i imeyut ruki chyornikh... Slova prilozhennie."
Singer: Inti-Illimani
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15271

TextCommentsDownload  Viva Lenin - Italian
Italian song abou Lenin
Singer: Raffaele Mario Offidani
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16124

TextCommentsDownload  Voyna s Voynoy
Music: Prokofev 1950. Singer: Rozhdestvenskiy
Comments: 2 Downloads: 11703

TextCommentsDownload  Vstavayte, rabochie i krestyane
Singer: Parcham
Comments: 1 Downloads: 12531

TextCommentsDownload  Vtoraya deklaratsiya Fidelya Kastro iz Gavani
"...seychas uzhe istoriya nado vzyat vo vnimaniem vsekh bednikh v Amerike."
Music: Luis Advis Lyrics: Isadora Agirre Singer: Fidel Kastro i Kilapayun
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12953

TextCommentsDownload  War keeps on
Lyrics: Din Rid Singer: Din Rid
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16379

TextCommentsDownload  Warszawianka
Music: kompozytor nieznany Lyrics: Wacław Święcicki Singer: Paul Robeson
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19002

TextCommentsDownload  Was wollen wir trinken — Za chto zhe mi vipem?
"Am rotem Platz steht Corvalán, auf unsere Sache stößt er mit uns an, wir trinken auf Luis Corvalán."
Music: Fred Krüger Lyrics: Gerd Kern 1977. Singer: Oktoberklub Performed in 1977г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23038

TextCommentsDownload  When workers and peasants - German
German labour song, sang by chorus
Comments: 0 Downloads: 11856

TextCommentsDownload  Wir sind wachsam (DDR)
Music: Joachim Werzlau Lyrics: Heinz Kahlau 1961. Singer: Zentrales Orchester des Ministeriums des Inneren
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16492

TextCommentsDownload  Wish of Health to Kim Jong Il - Korean
Korean people love their Great Ruler comrade Kim Jong Il and gives him wish of health
2002. Singer: ansambl Pochkhonbo, KNDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13701

TextCommentsDownload  Wo ist die Freiheit
Music: Pape Lyrics: Kiesewetter, Oktoberklub 1967. Singer: Oktoberklub Performed in 1967г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15565

TextCommentsDownload  Wounded-Knee in 73
Music: DIN RID Lyrics: DIN RID Singer: DIN RID
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15579

TextCommentsDownload  Y en eso llego Fidel
Music: Carlos Puebla Lyrics: Carlos Puebla Singer: Carlos Puebla
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17065

TextCommentsDownload  Ya idu po zemle
Music: Andrey Babaev Lyrics: Sergey Ostrovoy Singer: A.Vedernikov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16004

TextCommentsDownload  Ya lyublyu gori Uchzhi, lyublyu reku Vantsyuan
Music: Lyu Chanan Lyrics: Chzhen Nan 1960. Singer: Li Shuantszyan
Comments: 4 Downloads: 12021

TextCommentsDownload  Ya Soldat - Kitayskiy
Music: neizvesten Lyrics: neizvesten 1960. Singer: Soldatskiy khor Kitaya
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13270

TextCommentsDownload  Yankee go home
Music: Carlos Puebla Lyrics: Carlos Puebla Singer: Carlos Puebla
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14464

TextCommentsDownload  Yo tambien soy miliciano
1969. Singer: Carlos Puebla Performed in 1969г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14557

TextCommentsDownload  You show the path - Chinese
This recors is an official Hymn of the China Communist Party
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12145

TextCommentsDownload  Young sailor going home - Hebrew
Soviet song in Hebrew translated by Shaul Reznik
2002. Singer: Sh. Reznik
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13084

TextCommentsDownload  Za mir i svobodu!
Music: Georgiy Nosov Lyrics: Solomon Fogelson (russkiy original) 1949. Singer: Karl Ots i Georg Ots Performed in 1952г.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18514

TextCommentsDownload  Zastava partije (Pesnya o partii, na serbskom yazike)

Comments: 2 Downloads: 16171

TextCommentsDownload  Zbudujemy Nowę Polską
Music: H. Swolkień Lyrics: Z. Przywrski 1954. Singer: Chór i Orkiestra Polskiego Radia pod dyrekcja Jerzego Kolaczkowskiego
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14792

TextCommentsDownload  Zhdi menya (na ivrite)
Music: Shlomo Drori (Doytsher) Lyrics: K. Simonov per. Avragam Shlenskiy 1943. Singer: Shimshon Bar-noy (Noyman) Performed in 1948г.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 16763

TextCommentsDownload  Zheleznaya ledi
"Rvyot i mechet ledi Tetcher... budto krasnuyu ugrozu ledi videla sama"
1982. Singer: ansambl Grandola Performed in 1982г.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13853

TextCommentsDownload  Zog nit keynmol (pesnya Varshavskogo getto)
Music: D. Pokrass Lyrics: Girsh Glik 1942. Singer: Khava Albershteyn
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17578

TextCommentsDownload  Zpátky ni krok! (Ni shagu nazad!)
"Vperyod zhe, vperyod, tovarishi, i ni shagu nazad!"
Music: J. Stanislav Lyrics: Rambousková-Nejedlý
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16622

TextCommentsDownload  Октябрьский ветер - Chinese
Chinese song about October Revolution in Russia in 1917
Comments: 0 Downloads: 11692


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