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Songs about Motherland and Socialism
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 666, shown are 45 best songs


TextCommentsDownload  5 minutes
"...New Year is comming ! Happy New Year !..."
The most popular soviet New Year song
Music: A. Lepin Lyrics: V. Livshits 1956. Singer: L.Gurchenko
Comments: 1 Downloads: 52345

TextCommentsDownload  Anthem of the USSR
"United forever in friendship and labour..."
Original "Stalin's" version
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov i G. El-Registan 1944. Singer: Krasnoznamenniy ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova
Comments: 101 Downloads: 151483

TextCommentsDownload  As I returned to my Motherland
"...I pass my old street and see how many changes were made..."
A good, well-made song about Motherland
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1946. Singer: Leonid Kostritsa Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 48758

TextCommentsDownload  Dear city
"...dear city can sleep safely and see peaceful dreams..."
Song about soviet pilots
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: E.Dolmatovskiy 1939. Singer: M. Bernes
Comments: 1 Downloads: 49110

TextCommentsDownload  Dear land
"I don't know a land better then ours..."
Song about beauty of the Soviet Motherland
Music: Yu.Slonov Lyrics: A. Prishelets 1952. Singer: A. Klesheva i A. Timoshaeva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35773

TextCommentsDownload  Dorogi
"...Chut gorit zari poloska uzkaya..."
Music: L. Bakalov Lyrics: I. Molchanov 1941. Singer: Andrey Ivanov. Sekstet domr p/u N. Nekrasova. Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 43173

TextCommentsDownload  Dorozhnaya
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Sergey Vasilev 1949. Singer: G. Vinogradov
Comments: 4 Downloads: 38336

TextCommentsDownload  Far away
"I won t let them to break your peaceful happy life..."
Very famous song about love
Music: Georgiy Nosov. Lyrics: Aleksandr Churkin. 1950. Singer: Vladimir Nechaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 48544

TextCommentsDownload  From what Motherland begins
Soviet secret agent in Germany during WW2 thinks about Motherland
Music: V. Basner Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1968. Singer: Mark Bernes
Comments: 9 Downloads: 95884

TextCommentsDownload  Gimn Sovetskogo Soyuza
Music: A. V. Aleksandrov 1944. Singer: Dukhovoy orkestr MO SSSR p/u I. V. Petrova. Performed in 1956ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 41061

TextCommentsDownload  Glory to our Country
Mighty song about glorious Soviet Motherland
Music: B.Aleksandrov Lyrics: A.Shilov 1943. Singer: Ans.p/u Aleksandrova G.Babaev i V.Puchkov Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 47023

TextCommentsDownload  Hymn of Bolshevik Party
"Free children of the unseen country..."
The first version of a song on the music written before WW2. This song was initially used as an anthem of the VKP(b) (Communist Party)
Music: A. V. Aleksandrov Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1939. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova. Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 40860

TextCommentsDownload  In cuban steppes
Rare but very good folk song
Music: T.Khrennikov Lyrics: Ya.Shvedov 1950. Singer: GRNKh im.Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 38031

TextCommentsDownload  Katyusha
A great lyrical song about love and friendship
Music: M.Blantera Lyrics: M.Isakovskiy 1938. Singer: Valentina Batisheva, P.Mikhaylov, V.Tyutyunnik
Comments: 57 Downloads: 128015

TextCommentsDownload  Khoroshi vesnoy v sadu tsvetochki
"Khoroshi vesnoy v sadu tsvetochki, eshyo luchshe devushki vesnoy..."
Music: B. Mokrousova Lyrics: S. Alimova 1946. Singer: Georgiy Abramov Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 33808

TextCommentsDownload  Kogda dusha poyot
"Kogda dusha poyot i prositsya serdtse v polyot V dorogu dalyokuyu nebo visokoe k zvyozdam nas zovyot"
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: A. Kovalenkov 1947. Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 43303

TextCommentsDownload  Kolibelnaya
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1949. Singer: V. Nechaev
Comments: 7 Downloads: 34761

TextCommentsDownload  Letyat perelyotnie ptitsi
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy 1948. Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 47 Downloads: 40440

TextCommentsDownload  Morning song
Good song from great composer
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1954. Singer: Andrey Sokolov.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 36800

TextCommentsDownload  Moscow radio signals
These signals, used by Moscow radio, were well known by progressive humanity
Music: I. Dunaevskiy 1936.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 37239

TextCommentsDownload  My homeland
"...i've seen many countries, traveling with my rifle, but Motherland is the best..."
Soldier sings abouyt the beauty of the Motherland
Music: A. Ostrovskiy Lyrics: S .Mikhalkov 1946. Singer: Leonid Utesov Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 31977

TextCommentsDownload  On the Far East
“...land warmed by Stalin’s care...”
Song about Soviet Far East
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: V. Gusev 1937. Singer: Aleksey Korolyov, ork. Mosk. gosfilarmonii p/u L. Shteynberga. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 33126

TextCommentsDownload  On the Manchuria hills
Song about Russo-Japan war of 1904-1905
Music: I. Shatrov 1905. Singer: I. Kozlovskiy
Comments: 19 Downloads: 51554

TextCommentsDownload  On the wide Volga
Beautiful lyrical song about Volga
Music: B.Mokrousov Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1951. Singer: I.Shmelev i P. Kirichek
Comments: 4 Downloads: 43717

TextCommentsDownload  Pshenitsa zolotaya
Music: Matvey Blanter. Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy. 1947. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov i KrAPPSA.
Comments: 30 Downloads: 40013

TextCommentsDownload  Return home
Soldier returns to his mother after the War
Music: B. Mokrousov Lyrics: L. Oshanin Singer: G. A. Abramov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 35977

TextCommentsDownload  Russia
"Where can you find land more beautiful than Soviet land..."
Song about love to Motherland and Stalin
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: S. Alimov 1947. Singer: S. Lemeshev Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35160

TextCommentsDownload  Sibirskiy vecher
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: N. Gribachev 1953. Singer: K. Shulzhenko
Comments: 3 Downloads: 29537

TextCommentsDownload  Slavsya
"...Slava, slava geroyam - boytsam, rodini nashey otvazhnim sinam, kto krov za otchiznu svoyu prolet, togo nikogda ne zabudet narod..."
Music: M. Glinka Lyrics: Sergey Gorodnitskiy Singer: Ansambl im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 17 Downloads: 36392

TextCommentsDownload  Sole accordion
"...by night the only far accordion is hered somewhere..."
Great lyrical song
Music: B. Mokrousov Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1947. Singer: C. Lemeshev Performed in 1948ã.
Comments: 11 Downloads: 56100

TextCommentsDownload  Song about Land
"You're rich and free, my beautiful land ..."
One more song about Motherland
Music: B.Mokrousov Lyrics: A.Fatyanov 1950. Singer: V.Nechaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33004

TextCommentsDownload  Song about Motherland
"I don't know any other country where a man can breathe so free..."
Early record of the 30-s that mention Stalin
Music: I. Dunaevsky Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Koumach 1936. Singer: from movie "Circus"
Comments: 3 Downloads: 54377

TextCommentsDownload  Song about Volga
"...warmed by the soviet sun, the songs flies over the Volga river"
Great song about Russia s great river
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: L.Belobragina Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 33685

TextCommentsDownload  Soviet Country
"...stands our Immence Soviet Motherland..."
One more cheerful song about Motherland
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1947. Singer: iz k/f Vesna Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 42802

TextCommentsDownload  Tayga zolotaya
Music: V. Pushkov Lyrics: A. Prokofev 1936. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33405

TextCommentsDownload  Techet reka Volga
Music: Mark Fradkin Lyrics: Lev Oshanin 1962. Singer: Lyudmila Zikina
Comments: 15 Downloads: 39071

TextCommentsDownload  Time forward!
This very famous theme is played at the beginning of te main russian news program "Vremya" (Time)
Music: G. Sviridov 1965.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 98929

TextCommentsDownload  Train is going ahead
One more great "railroad" song from famous composer
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Ruderman 1940. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 29187

TextCommentsDownload  Uralskaya ryabinushka
Music: Evgeniy Rodigin Lyrics: Mikhail Pilipenko 1953. Singer: Uralskiy russkiy nar.khor Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 12 Downloads: 38139

TextCommentsDownload  V gorodskom sadu
Music: M.Blanter Lyrics: A.Fatyanov 1947. Singer: Nechaev Vladimir
Comments: 15 Downloads: 63178

TextCommentsDownload  Vstavayte, lyudi russkie!
Music: Sergey Prokofev Lyrics: V. Lugovskoy 1938.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 44697

TextCommentsDownload  Zelyonimi prostorami
"Vse mi Stalinim vospitani v rodnom svoyom krayu, vse provereni, vse ispitani v rabote i v boyu!.."
Music: V. Zakharov Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1940. Singer: GRNKh im. Pyatnitskogo. Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 36081

TextCommentsDownload  Zhuravlyonok
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: I. Shaferan 1964. Singer: Artur Eyzen
Comments: 8 Downloads: 35241

TextCommentsDownload  Zvezda moikh poley
Music: N.Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: L.Davidovich, V.Dragunskiy Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 33131

TextCommentsDownload  Zvyozdi
Music: I. O. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1954. Singer: Klavdiya Shulzhenko
Comments: 1 Downloads: 35755


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