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Songs about Labour
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 541, shown are 38 best songs


TextCommentsDownload  Along the village
Song about electrification of russian villages
Music: Vladimir Grigorevich Zakharov Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy 1933. Singer: GRNKh im.Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 7 Downloads: 47176

TextCommentsDownload  And we will live in that time
"... and all people will become friends..."
Song about the bright future - communism
Music: A. Dolukhanyan Lyrics: M. Lisyanskogo 1961. Singer: P. Lisitsian
Comments: 3 Downloads: 41728

TextCommentsDownload  Budte zdorovi
Music: Isaak Lyuban Lyrics: Adam Rusak (per. Mikhail Isakovskiy) 1937. Singer: khor im. Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 2 Downloads: 50607

TextCommentsDownload  Caspian oil workers march
"We will rise oil from the sea shelf"
Great and actual march
Music: Kara Karaev Lyrics: Mikhail Svetlov 1953. Singer: Muslim Magomaev Performed in 1959ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 31498

TextCommentsDownload  Chekists' song
"...if the enemy will cross our border we'll take him with an " Iron Fist " !"
A song about "CheKa" (VCK - OGPU - NKVD - KGB) officers and their work.
Music: N. Rechmenskiy Lyrics: G. Rublyov 1938. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek, Gos. ork. nar. instr. SSSR p/u P. I. Alekseeva. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 39410

TextCommentsDownload  Do svidaniya, druzya!
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: L. Levin 1938. Singer: V. P. Romanovskiy, khor i dzhaz-orkestr p/u I. O. Dunaevskogo Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 19 Downloads: 33706

TextCommentsDownload  Enthusiasts march
"...nothing can stop us, not ice, nor skies..."
Version of the famous song in better quality
Music: I.Dunaevskiy Lyrics: A. D Aktil 1940. Singer: iz k/f Svetliy put Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 48365

TextCommentsDownload  Enthusiasts' march
"...nothing can stop us, not ice, nor skies..."
A cheerful, optimistic song from the movie "Bright path". A really great song.
Music: I. Dunaevsky Lyrics: A. D'Actille 1940. Singer: from movie "Bright path" Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 67714

TextCommentsDownload  Farewell to Bratsk
Builders leave for home after building new city in Siberia
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: S. Grebennikov, N. Dobronravov 1968. Singer: Iosif Kobzon Performed in 1968ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 38671

TextCommentsDownload  Go forward, don't fall
"...and if you fall, rise and go on again..."
Song from movie "Two captains"
Music: Evgeniy Ptichkin Lyrics: Evgeniy Karelov 1976. Singer: Vadim Mulerman
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35224

TextCommentsDownload  Harvest song
A song of the soviet collective farmers
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1949. Singer: Khor i simfonicheskiy orkestr VRK
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33934

TextCommentsDownload  High, over skies
From movie "Bright path"
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: M. Volpin 1940. Singer: Lyubov Orlova Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 36852

TextCommentsDownload  I believe, my friends
"... soon caravans of rockets will fly to stars..."
First and one of the best songs about the soviet cosmonauts
Music: Oskar Feltsman Lyrics: Voynovich Vladimir 1961. Singer: V. Troshin Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 12 Downloads: 42861

TextCommentsDownload  I love you, life
"...I love you, life and i wish you to become better..."
One of the great song of the 60-s
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: K. Vanshenkin Singer: Mark Bernes
Comments: 7 Downloads: 58040

TextCommentsDownload  Light shine in our village
"...love of Stalin bring that lights here..."
Farmers thank Stalin for providing electricity to their village
Music: V. Lipatov Lyrics: N. Gleyzarov 1951. Singer: N. Grishanov i I. Shashkov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 34113

TextCommentsDownload  March of the communist brigades
"We are not on parade today..."
Communist marching song
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: V. Kharitonov 1958. Singer: A. Rozum Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 12 Downloads: 48633

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh iz kinofilma Vremya, vperyod!
Music: Georgiy Sviridov 1965. Singer: Simf. orkestr
Comments: 4 Downloads: 49211

TextCommentsDownload  Nad Donbassom zvonkoy pesney
Music: Dmitriev-Kabanov Lyrics: Dmitriev-Kabanov 1951. Singer: Khor russkoy pesni VRK, ruk. A.V.Rudneva
Comments: 1 Downloads: 26928

TextCommentsDownload  Novogodniy vals
"Vals, vals, vals zvuchit nad stranoyu seychas..."
Music: Yu.Slonov Lyrics: V.Malkov 1950. Singer: V.Bunchikov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 34888

TextCommentsDownload  On the Zarechnaya street
A very good lyrical song about love and Motherland
Music: B. Mokrousov Lyrics: A. Fatyanov 1956. Singer: Timchenko i Belov
Comments: 9 Downloads: 39166

TextCommentsDownload  Our duty is dangerous and hard
A song about work of the Soviet Militia (Police)
Music: M. Minkov Lyrics: A. Gorokhov Singer: Vadim Mulerman
Comments: 20 Downloads: 48557

TextCommentsDownload  Pesnya vernikh druzey
Music: T. Khrennikov. Lyrics: M. Matusovskogo. 1954. Performed in 1954ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 34393

TextCommentsDownload  Po mostkam tesovim
Music: B.Mokrousov Lyrics: A.Fatyanov 1948. Singer: V.Nechaev
Comments: 7 Downloads: 31585

TextCommentsDownload  Prokati nas Petrusha na traktore
Music: Vladimir Zakharov Lyrics: Ivan Molchanov 1929. Singer: L.Lazareva, E.Semenkina i khor russkoy pesni radio Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 25 Downloads: 48126

TextCommentsDownload  Slumber has Descended On the Dark Hills
"A young guy came to the steppes... "
This and other songs were used to popularize the Labour
Music: N.Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: B.Laskin 1939. Singer: Ivan Shmelev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 43225

TextCommentsDownload  Song about Baikal-Amur railroad
Construction on BAM railroad and new cities on it was the main major building program of the 70s
Music: Oskar Feltsman Lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvenskiy 1975. Singer: Vladislav Konnov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 54407

TextCommentsDownload  Song about wind against us
"The Country wakes up to the glory of the new day..."
Soviet radio often played thin song early in the morning
Music: D.Shostakovich Lyrics: B.Kornilov 1931.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 44389

TextCommentsDownload  Steel horses
Soviet collective farmers sing about new tractors
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev- Kumach 1937. Singer: Georgiy Abramov, Lev Ashkinazi i Nikolay Gorelov Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 35157

TextCommentsDownload  The blue sphere spins
Song from well known movie of the 30s "Youth of Maxim"
Music: Shostakovich 1934. Singer: B. Chirkov
Comments: 9 Downloads: 52747

TextCommentsDownload  There will be apple trees on Mars
An optimistic song about space exploration
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1963. Singer: Vladimir Troshin
Comments: 10 Downloads: 42433

TextCommentsDownload  Vernie druzya
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov. Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy. 1954. Singer: E.Kibkalo, V.Vlasov, G.Pankov. Performed in 1954ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 37488

TextCommentsDownload  Waltz party
One of the best soviet waltzes
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1948. Singer: V. Bunchikov i ork. p/u Knushevitskogo
Comments: 1 Downloads: 37817

TextCommentsDownload  We are people of a big flight
"We are people of high and free ideas..."
A song of the soviet pilots
Music: B.Mokrousov Lyrics: A.Fatyanov 1949. Singer: Bunchikov i Nechaev Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 54807

TextCommentsDownload  Workers are marching
"... workers' hands - you creates all the wealth on the planet..."
Music: V. Basner Lyrics: M.Matusovskiy 1961. Singer: Iz k/f Bitva v puti
Comments: 0 Downloads: 47313

TextCommentsDownload  Working Man
"There is no title better than Worker..."
A song about a common soviet worker
Music: Yuriy Levitin Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy Singer: Yuriy Yakushev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 37726

TextCommentsDownload  Years pass
"...years fly away like birds, and we have no time to look behind..."
Song about life of communist
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1958. Singer: I. Kobzon
Comments: 4 Downloads: 40603

TextCommentsDownload  Za zdorove sovetskikh lyudey
"Posilaem privet…vsem…, kto uzhe i seychas v kommunizme zhivyot"
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy Singer: V. Budilin i T. Sinyavskaya (1-ya chast), A. Bolshakov i A. Yakovenko (2-ya chast)
Comments: 9 Downloads: 30795

TextCommentsDownload  Zheleznodorozhniy marsh
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: Zheleznodorozhniy ansambl pesni i plyaski p/u K. Lebedeva. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 38246


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