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Songs about Che Guevara
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 68, shown are 3 best songs


TextCommentsDownload  Hasta siempre Comandante - Span & Rus
"You was our leader and our hope and now you are our banner..."
Song about great latinoamerican revolutioner comandante Che Guevara. Russian version
Music: K. Pueblo Singer: ans. polit. pesni Grenada
Comments: 24 Downloads: 57924

TextCommentsDownload  Hasta siempre Comandante - Spanish
Song about great latinoamerican revolutioner comandante Che Guevara
Music: K. Pueblo 1965. Singer: Karlos Pueblo
Comments: 33 Downloads: 45242

TextCommentsDownload  Баллада о Че Геваре - Russian
Melodical song about Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara
Music: I. Luchenok Lyrics: G. Buravkin, perevod N. Dobronravova Singer: VIA Pesnyari
Comments: 8 Downloads: 43809

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