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Speeches of Soviet leaders
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 378, shown are songs from 1 to 50.


TextCommentsDownload  Audioreportazh iz osazhdennogo Sevastopolya
1942. Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 31875

TextCommentsDownload  Beria - Speech on Stalin's death
"It is hard to explain in words what now feels our party, people of our country, all progressive humanity. Stalin is no longer with us."
Former NKVD(KGB) chief, Beria speaks about what Stalin did for our Motherland and Communism.
Lyrics: Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beriya 1953. Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 31 Downloads: 46477

TextCommentsDownload  Brezhnev-obyavlenie ob otkritii KhII olimpiyskikh igr
Lyrics: L.I. Brezhnev 1980. Singer: L.I. Brezhnev Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21414

TextCommentsDownload  Che Gevara - fragment
Lyrics: Ernesto Gevara Linch de la Serna Singer: Ernesto Gevara Linch de la Serna
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17288

TextCommentsDownload  Erich Honecker - Rücktrittsrede Erich Honecker
Lyrics: Erich Honecker 1989. Singer: Erich Honecker Performed in 1989ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16291

TextCommentsDownload  Fidel Kastro govorit o Lenine i leninizme
Lyrics: Fidel Kastro Rus 1976. Singer: Fidel Kastro Rus Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17527

TextCommentsDownload  Fonodokumenti Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyni
"“Rodina! Klyatvenno obeshaem” / “Ranen ya v nogu” / “Iz tanka seychas vishla devushka” / “Boi vedutsya za tsentr Berlina” / “Nash mikrofon — na perrone Belorusskogo vokzala” / “Eto pobeda. Slushayte!”"
1941. Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18720

TextCommentsDownload  Fragment vistupleniya sovetskogo obvinitelya L.N. Smirnova na Nyurnbergskom protsesse.
Lyrics: L.N. Smirnov 1946. Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 16081

TextCommentsDownload  G.K.Zhukov- Speech on the Victory Parade
Speech of the best russian Marshal of WW2
Lyrics: G.K. Zhukov 1945. Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 22471

TextCommentsDownload  Gagarin - Poehali!
One word "Poehali!" (We're going!) said by the first man in the space. With this word a new era of space exploration begins
1961. Singer: Yuriy Gagarin Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 13 Downloads: 46278

TextCommentsDownload  General Yaruzelskiy Obyavlyaet po vsey territoriey PNR voennoe polozhenie
Lyrics: Voytsekh Yaruzelskiy 1981. Performed in 1981ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20327

TextCommentsDownload  GK Ordzhonikidze - O razvitii industrializatsii

Comments: 4 Downloads: 15695

TextCommentsDownload  GKCP - To the Soviet People
"... new extremist forces appeared and now they want to destroy Soviet Union and take power at all costs..."
GKCP coup was the last attempt to save collapsing Soviet Union
Lyrics: GKChP 1991. Singer: Kirillov Performed in 1991ã.
Comments: 103 Downloads: 39714

TextCommentsDownload  I V Stalin - doklad k 27-y godovshine Oktyabrskoy revolyutsii
Lyrics: I. V. Stalin 1944. Singer: I. V. Stalin Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17738

TextCommentsDownload  I V Stalin - o proekte Konstitutsii Soyuza SSR
1936. Singer: I. V. Stalin, 25 noyabrya Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15983

TextCommentsDownload  I V Stalin - o proekte Konstitutsii Soyuza SSR
1936. Singer: I. V. Stalin, 25 noyabrya Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15683

TextCommentsDownload  Iz poslednego radio-obrasheniya k natsii Prezidenta Chili Salvadora Alende
1973. Singer: Salvador Alende Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17538

TextCommentsDownload  Iz rechi GMMalenkova na pokhoronakh Stalina 9 marta 1953 goda
Lyrics: G.M.Malenkov(?) 1953. Singer: G.M.Malenkov Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 17328

TextCommentsDownload  Iz rechi I.D.Papanina
1938. Singer: Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16239

TextCommentsDownload  Iz rechi I.V.Kurchatova na XXI sezde KPSS
Singer: Igor Vasilevich Kurchatov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19363

TextCommentsDownload  Iz rechi oratora na mitinge protiv vragov naroda
1937. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 23247

TextCommentsDownload  Iz rechi Svyashennaya zadacha Krasnoy Armii narkoma po voennim i morskim delam Lva Trotskogo
Lyrics: Lev Trotskiy 1920. Singer: Lev Trotskiy Performed in 1920ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18414

TextCommentsDownload  Iz rechi VMMolotova na pokhoronakh Stalina 9 marta 1953 goda
Lyrics: V.M.Molotov 1953. Singer: V.M.Molotov Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 17321

TextCommentsDownload  Iz vistupleniya AYaVishinskogo na otkritom protsesse protiv trotskistov-bukharintsev
Lyrics: A.Ya.Vishinskiy 1938. Singer: A.Ya.Vishinskiy Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18806

TextCommentsDownload  K E Voroshilov - vistuplenie na parade
Lyrics: K. E. Voroshilov 1938. Singer: K. E. Voroshilov Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 18847

TextCommentsDownload  K E Voroshilov - vistuplenie pered voyskom
Lyrics: K. E. Voroshilov 1938. Singer: K. E. Voroshilov Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19353

TextCommentsDownload  Khrushev NS - Osuzhdayushaya rech na vistavke v Manezhe 1 dekabrya 1962 goda(otrivki)
"Vam nravitsya Zapad?pozhaluysta!Eto pederastiya v iskusstve...tak pochemu pederastam - 10 let,a etim orden dolzhen bit?"
1962. Singer: N.S.Khrushev Performed in 1962ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24024

TextCommentsDownload  Kill him!
Lyrics: K. Simonov 1942. Singer: Iz k/f Kontsert - frontu. Chitaet M. I. Tsaryov. Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 61 Downloads: 52494

TextCommentsDownload  Klyatva gvardeytsev 1-oy gvardeyskoy tankovoy brigadi
1941. Singer: gvardeytsi 1-oy gvard.tank.brig Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18802

TextCommentsDownload  Klyatva sovetskikh partizan
"Esli zhe po moey slabosti, trusosti ili po zloy vole ya narushu etu svoyu prisyagu i predam interesi naroda, pust umru ya pozornoy smertyu ot ruki svoikh tovarishey”."
1943. Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22316

TextCommentsDownload  KMSimonov - Ubey ego!
"Esli dorog tebe tvoy dom, gde ti russkim vikormlen bil ..."
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19600

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - 3rd Communist Internationale
"Some countries have Soviets nowdays and soon we'll see victory of communism all over the world!"
Speech about past and future of international communist movement
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20139

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - About antisemitism
"...capitalists support antisemitism to turn worker's anger on jews instead of capitalists..."
Lenin offers to fight antisemitism and strengthen worker's solidarity
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22192

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - About food tax
"This will encourage farmers to harvest more food and will help rising our light industry"
Lenin's speech on New Economic Policy
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1921. Performed in 1921ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19267

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - About transportation problems
"we must rebuild transportation system then industry will breathe again and starvations will end..."
Speech about fight against economical crisis
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1920. Performed in 1920ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18227

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - How to save workers
from capitalist oppression
"Our enemies say: they won't be able to survive without us, they cannot organize work"
Lenin speaks about labour discipline and hard work needed to rise economy
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1920. Performed in 1920ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18990

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - In memory of Y. M. Sverdlov
"Memory about comrade Sverdlov will serve as example of revolutionary work..."
Lenin speaks about Y.M. Sverdlov
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16080

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - On conversation with Bela Kun
"Hungarian revolution now goes on communst rails..."
Lenin about Hungarian revolution
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 15702

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - On labour discipline
"When working men unite around best of our class, then victory is ours!"
Lenin offers to strengthen labour discipline to fight capitalism
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1920. Performed in 1920ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 17231

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - Soviets and civilian people
"...those fake "civilians" must be arrested, and all other honest people must be rewarded and encouraged to work"
People, who are not Party members, can help us to build the Soviets
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1921. Performed in 1921ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19397

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - To the Red Army warriors
"Capitalists of England, France and USA attacked Russia to destroy new socialist Soviet rule..."
Lenin offers to unite efforts to defeat capitalist intervention
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 19153

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - What does "Soviet rule" mean
"The first time in the world labourers drive the state politics...."
Lenin speech describing what new Soviet rule gives to labourers
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 13 Downloads: 42378

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Evening report of events on 30 october 1942
One more common day of war passed
1942. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19831

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Germany capitulates
Soviet Radio broadcast
1945. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 46837

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Order to Red Army on 9 May1945
"Great Patriotic War against fascist agressors victoriously ended!"
Levitan, the most famous soviet radio dictor reads Stalin's order to Red Army - Victory!
Lyrics: Yuriy Borisovich Levitan 1945. Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 20 Downloads: 27875

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red army deblocaded Leningrad
The largest siege in the human history had ended
1943. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 34430

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red Army liberated Belgrade
Soviet Radio broadcast
1944. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18306

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red Army liberated bulgarian capital Sofia
Soviet Radio broadcast
1944. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18839

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red Army reached pre-war Soviet border
Soviet Radio news broadcast
1944. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19100

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red Army summary on 22 june 1941
First news report after Germany attacked USSR
1941. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21501


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