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Military marches and songs
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 612, shown are songs from 151 to 200.

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TextCommentsDownload  Marsh trudovikh rezervov
Music: S. Chernetskiy 1946. Singer: orkestr MO SSSR p/u S.A.Chernetskogo. Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18765

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh vesyolikh rebyat (voenniy)
"Na nash narod trudovoy i vesyoliy napala chyornikh zlodeev orda..."
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V.Lebedev-Kumach 1941. Singer: L. Orlova Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 21838

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh Vstuplenie Krasnoy armii v Budapesht
Music: Semyon Chernetskiy 1945. Singer: Okrestr LenVO
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25587

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh Vstuplenie Krasnoy armii v Budapesht
Music: S.Chernetskiy 1945. Singer: Obraztsoviy voenniy ork. Pochetnogo karaula Performed in 1977ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 23640

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh zashitnikov Moskvi
"Mi viroem nemtsu mogilu v tumannikh polyakh pod Moskvoy"
Music: B. Mokrousov Lyrics: A. Surkov 1942. Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 28454

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh znamenostsev
Music: V. Shepelev 1983. Singer: Obr. Pok. Ork. MO SSSR.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 23000

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh "Geroi Stalingrada"
Music: Chernetskiy S.A. 1943. Singer: OPO MO SSSR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23688

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh "Kapitan Gastello"
Music: N. Ivanov-Radkevich 1941. Singer: Otd. pok. ork. MO SSSR
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21051

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh “Geroyam Stalingrada”
Music: S.Chernetskiy Singer: Voenniy orkestr NOA Kitaya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20021

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh-parad
Music: S. Chernetskiy 1940. Singer: Orkestr NKO p/u S.A.Chernetskogo Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22176

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh-pesnya
Music: M.Blanter Lyrics: I. Selvinskiy 1958. Singer: KAPPSA, sol. I. Didenko, A. Kusleev Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 19875

TextCommentsDownload  Marshal Budenniy
"For the glory of the Red Army, forward!"
Song about marshal S. M. Budeniy
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: A. Gatov 1938. Singer: Ansambl Krasnoarmeyskoy pesni i plyaski LDKA p/u A. Anisimova. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 12 Downloads: 21912

TextCommentsDownload  Mest baltiytsev
"Smert za smert! Krov za krov! Bey vraga u vorot Leningrada! Smert za smert! Krov za krov! Bey fashistov, moryak, do kontsa!.."
Music: B. Golts Lyrics: V. Volzhenin 1942. Singer: Tsentralniy ansambl krasnoflotskoy pesni i plyaski VMF SSSR p/u L. S. Yukhnina. Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 12 Downloads: 19379

TextCommentsDownload  Mi - armiya naroda
"Svyashennie slova - Moskva za nami! - mi pomnim so vremyon Borodina"
Music: G. Movseyan Lyrics: R. Rozhdestvenskiy 1975. Singer: KAPPSA Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 33 Downloads: 33067

TextCommentsDownload  Mi - krasnaya kavaleriya (Marsh budennovtsev)
Music: Dm.i Dan.Pokrass Lyrics: A.D'Aktil 1970. Singer: KAPPSA im.Aleksandrova
Comments: 4 Downloads: 29082

TextCommentsDownload  Mi idyom ot zavodov i pashen
Music: M. Blanter
Comments: 5 Downloads: 19203

TextCommentsDownload  Mi verim v pobedu ! Mi virvem pobedu !
Music: R. Glier Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1939. Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19434

TextCommentsDownload  Morskaya Gvardiya
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1942. Singer: KAPPSA, sol. K. Gerasimov Performed in 1954ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 21097

TextCommentsDownload  Moscow salute
Music: S. Chernetskiy Singer: Dukhovoy orkestr
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19317

TextCommentsDownload  My horse
We'll fight for Stalin with you, my horse
Music: P. Akulenko Lyrics: A. Lugin 1939. Singer: Khor i ansambl MVO p/u V. P. Pobedinskogo. Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17964

TextCommentsDownload  My rifle
"...we won't let lords and fascists to stop our growing country..."
Rare song from the early 30s
Music: A. Davidenko Lyrics: N. Aseev 1931. Singer: Profsoyuzniy ansambl pesni i plyaski
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18231

TextCommentsDownload  Na vraga, za Rodinu vperyod!
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1941. Singer: Ansambl TsDKZh p/u I. Dunaevskogo Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 50 Downloads: 36096

TextCommentsDownload  Na vraga, za rodinu, vpered!
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1941. Singer: boevoy kinosbornik Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15493

TextCommentsDownload  Nakhimov March
Nakhimof was one of the best admirals in the Russian history
Music: V Solovev-Sedoy Singer: Orkestr VMF SSSR
Comments: 12 Downloads: 21807

TextCommentsDownload  Nam nuzhna odna pobeda
Music: B. Okudzhava Lyrics: B. Okudzhava 1970. Singer: Kr. APP SA
Comments: 18 Downloads: 22811

TextCommentsDownload  Nas ne trogay
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1939. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 35893

TextCommentsDownload  Navy guards
"Tested in fire, our Navy Guard frightens the enemy"
Soviet sailors' marching song
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1942. Singer: Tsentalniy Ansambl VMF SSSR p/u S.G.Gerchikova Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22182

TextCommentsDownload  Ne skosit nas sabley ostroy
"...Ne skosit nas sabley ostroy, vrazhey puley ne ubit! Mi vraga vstrechaem prosto: bili, byom, i budem bit!"
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18840

TextCommentsDownload  Ne skosit nas sabley ostroy
"...Mi vraga vstrechaem prosto: bili, bem i budem bit!.."
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: Detskiy ansambl TsDKZh p/u S. Dunaevskogo. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 19025

TextCommentsDownload  Nightingale
Marching song of the Soviet Army
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Vladimir Kharitonov 1956. Singer: Ansambl RVSN
Comments: 4 Downloads: 21045

TextCommentsDownload  Not once and not twice but many times
"...we have defeated our enemies..."
A early-WW2 marching song
Music: B. Fomin Lyrics: G. Gridov 1941. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 21777

TextCommentsDownload  Order in armoured divisions
Very famous song about soviet tankists
Music: Oskar Feltsman Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy 1960. Singer: V. Bunchikov i V.Nechaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 26153

TextCommentsDownload  Ot kraya do kraya (iz operi Tikhiy don)
"Ot kraya i do kraya, ot morya i do morya beret vintovku narod trudovoy..."
Music: I.Dzerzhinskiy Lyrics: L.Dzerzhinskiy 1935. Singer: P.Bogushevskiy. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 20092

TextCommentsDownload  Otchizni krepit oboronu
Music: Boris Aleksandrov 1960. Singer: KrAPPSA
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19094

TextCommentsDownload  Otrivok pesni na temu Kazachya
"...na chuzhoy zemle, za vrazhim rubezhom oprokinem mi svirepogo vraga. "
Comments: 10 Downloads: 20614

TextCommentsDownload  Our Guards
Mighty post-WW2 song
Music: A. V. Aleksandrov Lyrics: A. Argo 1944. Singer: Ansambl im. A. V. Aleksandrova. Solisti: K. Gerasimov i V. Puchkov. Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 25321

TextCommentsDownload  Our ships are best ships in the world
"Dear sea, we are ready to protect you..."
Song about Red Fleet ready to defend Motherland
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: A. Churkin 1938. Singer: L. Utesov Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 20721

TextCommentsDownload  Our tour of duty is going well
"We are marching on the field..."
Traditional russian marching song
Music: P. Akulenko Lyrics: Ya. Shvedov 1949. Singer: APP RVSN Krasnaya Zvezda, Solisti : Vyacheslav Yaponchik & Vladimir Deshko
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33973

TextCommentsDownload  Pad serebryanaya
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1939. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova. Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 18169

TextCommentsDownload  Parachutists' song
"We give you an advice - dont play with an open fire..."
Song of the soviet VDV (Commandos)
Music: L. Afanaseva Lyrics: Evgeniy Agranovich 1960. Singer: Viktor Besedin
Comments: 10 Downloads: 26112

TextCommentsDownload  Parade march
Even in present days this march is often played during the parades
Music: S. Chernetskiy 1940. Singer: Orkestr shtaba LVO
Comments: 5 Downloads: 25129

TextCommentsDownload  Partisans' battle song
Song urges people to fight the fascists
Music: A.Aleksandrov Lyrics: M.Golodniy 1941. Singer: Ans. p/u A. Aleksandrova Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 34304

TextCommentsDownload  Partizanskaya
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: B. Laskin 1939. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 20391

TextCommentsDownload  Peacekeepers' march
A parade march by military orchestra
Music: V. Vishnevetskiy 1949. Singer: Orkestr MO SSSR Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 41828

TextCommentsDownload  Pereleski-perekati
Music: Leonid Bakalov Lyrics: Yakov Shvedov 1949. Singer: Viktor Selivanov. Vokalniy oktet i trio bayanistov p/u A. V. Shilova. Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 17 Downloads: 23577

TextCommentsDownload  Pesnya 52oy divizii
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy, V. Lugovskoy 1939. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek, khor MVO p/r V.Pobedinskogo i ork. NKO p/u S.Chernetskogo Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19091

TextCommentsDownload  Pesnya artilleristov
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: V. Gusev 1995. Singer: Ansambl im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 13 Downloads: 48357

TextCommentsDownload  Pesnya artilleristov
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: T. K. Antonenko, f-no R. L. Beskina Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19232

TextCommentsDownload  Pesnya artilleristov
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: khor RKKA Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 14 Downloads: 21564

TextCommentsDownload  Pesnya donskikh kazakov
Music: N. Chemberdzhi Lyrics: A. Yurago 1937. Singer: Petr Bogushevskiy, dzhaz-ork KRAM p/u L.Diderikhsa Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 16 Downloads: 13905

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