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" Internationale "
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 547, shown are songs from 51 to 100.

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TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfront - German
Can be translated as "United front"
A german vesion of the revolutionary song, guitar
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: B.Brekht 1934. Singer: Hannes Wader
Comments: 9 Downloads: 38738

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfront - German
Can be translated as "United Front"
Old "ebonyte" record
Music: G. Eysler Lyrics: B. Brekht 1934. Singer: Ernst Bush Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 16 Downloads: 21783

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfront - German & Russian
Can be translated as "United front"
In German and Russian by Ernst Bush
Music: Eysler Lyrics: Brekht 1934. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20204

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfrontlied
Music: Brecht Lyrics: Eisler 1934. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24575

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, dorogi (Ach, ihr Wege) na nemetskom yazike
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: Zigmunt Khermlin i Ernst Bush 1945. Singer: Ernst Bush Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 23980

TextCommentsDownload  El Frente Unido - Spanish
Can be translated as "United front"
Spanish version of the revolutionary song
Music: Eysler Lyrics: Brekht 1934. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 21345

TextCommentsDownload  El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!
Music: Serkhio Ortega Lyrics: Serkhio Ortega 1970. Singer: Inti-Ilimani
Comments: 4 Downloads: 23136

TextCommentsDownload  Elu, armastan sind (Ya lyublyu tebya, zhizn)
"ikka uuesti sinusse armun"
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: K. Vanshenkin Singer: Georg Ots
Comments: 2 Downloads: 23120

TextCommentsDownload  Entgegen dem kuhlenden Morgen
Music: D.Shostakovich Lyrics: B.Kornilov 1936.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 24271

TextCommentsDownload  Feldfruechte (plodi na ogorode) na nemetskom yazike
Music: Gans Aysler Lyrics: Kurt Tukholski 1928. Singer: Ernst Bush Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 20147

TextCommentsDownload  Fire light - Chinese
"...she followed him going to the front"
Chinese version of the soviet song, sounds great
Comments: 3 Downloads: 16151

TextCommentsDownload  Fiscia il vento - Italian
Italian song on the musaic of the famous Soviet "Katyusha"
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: Felice Cascione 1943.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23311

TextCommentsDownload  Forward, Red fleet Czech
"The world storm will thunder - the last battle against the enemy..."
A good soviet song in Czech. The only thing i don t understand: Czechoslovakia has no seas near it :-)
Comments: 10 Downloads: 18880

TextCommentsDownload  Gimn demokraticheskoy molodezhi (vengerskiy)
"Földön, égen zeng az új dal: Ifjúság! Ifjúság! Ifjúság!"
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Lev Oshanin / Gaspar Endre 1947. Singer: vengerskiy khor Performed in 1971ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19371

TextCommentsDownload  Gimn demokraticheskoy molodezhi mira
"Sobre el odio y la guerra surje el canto de la humanidad"
Music: A.Novikov Lyrics: L.Oshanin 1947. Singer: chiliyskaya grupa Quilapayun
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19702

TextCommentsDownload  Gimn demokraticheskoy molodyozhi
Music: Anatoliy Novikov. Lyrics: Lev Oshanin. 1947. Singer: gos. khor ChSSR.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20019

TextCommentsDownload  Gimn Sodruzhestva (Internatsional i Gimn SShA)
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: A.Ya.Kots 1942. Singer: or Roberta Shou i orkestr NBC, solist Yan Pirs, dirizhyor Arturo Toskanini Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35048

TextCommentsDownload  Hej Vojnici Vazduhoplovci
Singer: Dragan Lakoviž i Dechi¼i khor RTB Kolibri
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18817

TextCommentsDownload  Himno de las Juventudes mundiales
Music: Shostakovich Lyrics: Dolmatovskiy 1949. Singer: Quilapayun
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20356

TextCommentsDownload  Hymn Światowej Federacji Młodzieży Demokratycznej – Gimn demokraticheskoy molodyozhi mir
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin, Krzysztof Gruszczynski 1947.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20658

TextCommentsDownload  Hymn jedności
"Dlya tebya sushestvuet ediniy rabochiy front, potomu chto v tebe - rabochaya krov."
Music: Hanns Eisler 1934. Singer: Maciej Roszak
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18339

TextCommentsDownload  Hymne der Sowjetunion
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1944.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23269

TextCommentsDownload  Ilta Volgalla (Na Volge shirokoy/Sormovskaya liricheskaya - finskiy tekst)
Music: Boris Andreevich Mokrousov Lyrics: Pauli Salonen 1952. Singer: Georg Ots Performed in 1962ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 24092

TextCommentsDownload  Internasionale
Music: Pierre De Geyter Lyrics: Eugène Pottier Singer: Julius Choo
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19236

TextCommentsDownload  Internasjonalen - Norwegian
Norwegian wersion sang by chorus
Comments: 0 Downloads: 28762

TextCommentsDownload  Internationala - Romanian
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote Singer: khor i simfonicheskiy orkestr Ruminskogo radio i televideniya Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 30943

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Afghani
An exotic afghani version
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 26429

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Albanian
Albanian version
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 28688

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Chinese
China s traditional variant
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 32443

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Czech
Czech version of the song
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote
Comments: 4 Downloads: 31873

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Hungarian
Hungarian version of the International Communist Anthem
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote, vengerskiy tekst Ernyo Brestkovski, 1904g. 1904.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20569

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Japanese
Japan version sang by chorus
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: 佐々木孝丸・佐野碩 1871.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 35439

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Korean
A DPRK (North Korean) version
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871. Singer: KNDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14619

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Korean
One more DPRK (North Korean) version
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871. Singer: KNDR Performed in 2003ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 29801

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Orchestra
This curious record was written by d-r Goebbels ministry of propaganda(!) for the Berlin Olimpiad in 1936. Orchestra really sounds like nazi marches.
Music: P. Degeyter 1871. Singer: Orkestr Berlinskogo Radio Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 35576

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Portuguese
Portuguese version of the main communist anthem
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Neno Vasco 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 26457

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Russian
"Vstavai, proklyatjem zakleimenniy..."
Classical Russian version
Music: Per Degeyter Lyrics: Arkadiy Yakovlevich Kots 1871. Performed in 1888ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 54148

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Tagalog
An exotic version from Philippines, sounds live
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote 1871. Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 29957

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Turkish
Turkish version, classical
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote 1871.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 28385

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Valliyskiy
"Deffrowch, orthrymedigion daear, Cyfodi mae'r newynog lu!"
Performed in 1992ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18591

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Vietnam
Bright Vietnam version uses national instruments
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 29274

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale - Yugoslavian
Serbian version of the song
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871. Performed in 1924ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 27090

TextCommentsDownload  Internationale on the church bells
An example of the right use of the church bells
Music: P. Degeyter 1871. Singer: pravilniy ponomar
Comments: 8 Downloads: 34276

TextCommentsDownload  Internationalen - Swedish
"Upp, trälar uti alla stater..."
Swedish version of the International Communist Anthem
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote Singer: P.Strtsm F.Zetterholm
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30766

TextCommentsDownload  Internatsional
Music: Per Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote, perev. A. Kots 1871. Singer: Ans. p/u A. V. Aleksandrova Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 42946

TextCommentsDownload  Internatsional
1871. Singer: Pol MakAdam
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14634

TextCommentsDownload  Internatsional - Arabskiy
"bi-dzhumu-1i kauiyya... dalshe ne razobral :o)"
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote 1871.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14294

TextCommentsDownload  Internatsional na esperanto
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote 1871.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14194

TextCommentsDownload  Internatsional na irlandskom
Music: P. Degyter Lyrics: E. Pote 1871. Singer: Pol MakAdam
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24977

TextCommentsDownload  Internatsional na kurdskom
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30691

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